November, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 11
On a untypical Troop 44 cloudless Saturday morning, 15 scouts and 3 adults set off to make their fortune in gold. The Troop arrived at Thermal City Gold mine to a bright, sunny, cool afternoon. After setting up camp on the bluffs, the scouts headed down to the river to build a well though out, highly engineered, magnificent dam that even the ducks would not cross. Scouts, as we all know ,would never be near water and not have it roll off their back in the river. We are told that damming the river increases the chances of getting rich quick in the prospecting circles. After a nice quite evenings rest, (Yes the trains are still present), the Troop held an opening ceremony followed by a worship service. Morning dedications completed, the Scouts headed to the Gem troughs for an excellent talk by our host, Mr. Lloyd Nanney, and a good time screening buckets of dirt, looking for that gigantic precious stone. Stones of all sizes and shapes were to be found by many. After lunch, it was time to head down to two piles of rich dirt to pan for a fortune in GOLD!!! Many a boy came home with a vial of gold and semi-precious raw gems. Troop 44 also assisted their host by doing a debris clean-up of the surrounding area. Monday morning saw the Troop preparing breakfast, packing up and coming back to Charleston. We didn't get rich in financial circles but the memories developed will last forever.
Sign up now for the Fall Camperall at Mepkin Abbey. This promises to be a fun-filled weekend with Activities being coordinated by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation. Included will be Skeet amd Trap shooting, Fly casting, Archery/Bowhunting, Trapping/Tracking, Conservation Education and Sporting Dog Demonstrations. There will be a Troop gate competition and Awards given for Campsite inspections. Cost will be $21.00, which includes all food, travel and registration fees. Please prepay, prior to the Campout, as the Troop has to prepay the registration fee. Scouts should bring both Class "A" and "B" uniforms to the Camperall. The Troop will depart from St. James on Friday Nov. 12 at 5:30 PM and return on Sunday, Nov. 14 around 11:30 AM. Pickup will be in the Ft. Johnson Middle School Parking lot, to avoid conflict with church services.
The Patrol Leaders Council will meet on Monday November 15 at 7:00 PM. All boy leaders are reminder to attend. This give you the opportunity to make certain the Troop is running properly. The Troop Committee will meet following the PLC, at 7:30 PM. All interested adults are encouraged to attend.
The Patrol Leaders council has decided that effective with next camp out, Mepkin Abbey, each Scout will be responsible for providing his own mess kit. This kit should contain a Knife, fork, spoon, Plate, Hot/Cold drinking cup. Cleaning of these items will be each individual scouts responsibility. Non-breakable- lightweight items should be used. Food fees for camp outs starting in December will be $15. Obviously, this is in direct need to provide some extra reimbursement for those parents that purchase patrol food. Please remind your son that this done on rotational basis to keep it equitable for all.Scouts should check with his parent before offering to prevent any undue hardship.
On November 22, nominations will be taken for the position of Senior Patrol Leader. Go to to read the job description for the SPL. If you or someone you know meets these requirement and wants to be considered for the position, please see Mr. Rice. All candidates must be approved by the Scoutmaster.
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