September, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 9
Troop 44 annual Edisto River (Kayaking / Canoeing/ Camping Trip) was a great success this past August 13 - 15 of 2004. The first leg on the river after a camp breakfast Saturday morning included the run from Green's Pond Boat Landing back to the County Park, approximately 7.5 miles. At the landing all the boats got off without any problems. But after the first turn on the river we came across some trees in the water and ended up with a few boats overturned. It was a pleasure to see the senior scouts assisting the younger scouts with their overturned boats. With direct supervision from their boats the seniors talked the young scouts through the up-righting process, so that they could get underway. Once the boys got a feel of the river all of the scouts keep the boats upright. We still had a few scouts drift into the occasional trees that jumped out in front of their boats. Everyone knows the trees move not the boats, right!
Lunch on the sand bar and diving for sharks teeth made the trip. John McKnight guided us to a hard bottom fossil bed on the river to find sharks teeth. The water was cool but not to cold to swim. Scouts that made the effort to look for sharks teeth found them with some effort for the river was strong and dark. They had a visibility of about six inches in front of their mask and each scout had his feet held by an adult stand in about three feet, so they did not drift off the fossil bed. Amazingly, we made it back to the County Park boat landing right on time, with all the scouts and there gear.
Sunday, after much debating on the day’s activity over breakfast, it was decided to paddle up river and spend some time on a beach, then paddle down river back to the park. Paddling up river was a bit challenging for the scouts at first, but by utilizing their paddling skills and working together everyone made it. Going back down river was so much easier and it was amazing to see how well the boys handled their boats the second day on the river. Sunday, the only boats that overturned were when the paddlers wanted to cool off. After packing, followed by an hour and fifteen minute ride back to the church, the weekend was tucked away in our memories as: “Another Great Troop 44 Trip to Remember”
The Troop 44 planning session for the 2004-05 year was held on Saturday , August 7th. The planning session consisted of a one day session to put together the next years camping events, programs, and service activities. All of the Scouts in attendance worked very hard to develop a BOY LEAD PROGRAM which is FUN AND EXCITING. Copies of the annual calendar will be placed on the Troop web site and published each month in the Troop newsletter.
The September Campout will be held at Mr. Rice's property in Ravenel, S.C. Weekend activities will focus on the fishing merit badge and model rocketry. Mr. Dinius is coordinating the campout. Cost will be $15.00 Scouts should provide their own fishing gear, the Troop will supply bait. Please meet at the Church at 6:00 PM on Firday afternoon, Sept. 1 Bring a bagged lunch or eat before coming to the Church. We will not be stopping to eat on the way. Scouts need swimming gear , PFD's, WORK GLOVES, floating rafts, super soakers. The Troop will return to the Church by 2:00 PM on Sunday afternoon.
Sept. 13: PLC and Troop Committee Meeting
The Patrol Leaders Council will meet on Monday September 13 at 7:00 PM. All boy leaders are reminder to attend. This give you the opportunity to make certain the Troop is running properly. The Troop Committee will meet following the PLC, at 7:30 PM. All interested adults are encouraged to attend.
Troop 44 will hold a Court of Honor Banquet on September 27th. This Court of Honor will recognize the Summer Camp merit badges and any rank advancements . A seated banquet in the Parish Hall will accompany the Court of Honor. Each Patrol will have an assigned item to provide to help make the banquet a success. Ms. Susan Hargrave has graciously agreed to coordinate the Banquet. Please contact her for details and any questions.
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