September, 2005
Vol. 10 Issue 9
Twenty -two Scouts from Troop 44 spent a wonderfully cool week at Camp Ho Non Wah. Creek Campsite is always the best and the Troop has already reserved it for the 2006 Summer Camp. A total of 97 merit badges and other awards were earned by the Scouts, along with winning the Volley Ball Tournament. A number of Troop 44 Scouts worked at Ho Non Wah this year, including Michael Rice, Duncan McKnight, and Paul Hargrave. Mr. Roy Wooten and Mr. Jim Struble served as Scoutmasters for the Troop, as Mr. Rice was busy being the Camp Medic for the Summer.
The program for September is Cooking The OSPREY patrol is the PROGRAM patrol and should insure a program on the xxxxx merit badge is ready for the monthly meetings. The DUCT TAPE patrol is the service patrol and should insure the meeting room is cleaned and the flags are displayed and stored for each meeting.
The Troop will Travel to Ft. McAllister, GA to see Re-Enactors a along with with cooking exhibitions. The Troop will depart St. James Episcopal Church at 6:00 PM on Friday , September 3 and will return by 4:PM on Sunday September 5. Cost will be $25, a $5 Camping fee and $20 for food and gas.
The Patrol Leaders Council will meet on Monday Sept. 12 at 7:00 PM. All boy leaders are reminder to attend. This gives you the opportunity to make certain the Troop is running properly. The Troop Committee will meet following the PLC, at 7:30 PM. All interested adults are encouraged to attend.
Troop 44 was well represented in the Jamboree Troop contingents. Boys attending were Michael Rice, Duncan McKnight, Chris Maher, Paul Hargrave, Matt Baldwin, Will Snow, Robert Snow, Greg Walsh, and Michael Struble. Mr. Struble was Scoutmaster for one of the troops and Mr. Rice and Mr. McKnight were Assistant Scoutmasters. The trip included visits to Arlington National Cemetery, Washington DC, Colonial Williamsburg, and Bush Gardens. All those attending had a great time despite the weather which did cool down. There were so many different activities, merit badges, action centers, activity centers, and various displays that kept all us busy all day long. It was an experience that none of us will forget. Mark your calendars for the year 2010 when Jamboree will be held during the 100th anniversary of Scouting.
Troop 44 will hold a Court of Honor Banquet on September 26 th . This Court of Honor will recognize the Summer Camp merit badges and any rank advancements . This Banquet will be held at Fort Johnson Baptist Church on Camp Road (across the street from James Island Middle School ). A seated banquet will accompany the Court of Honor. The meal will be a covered dish and you will be contacted by Susan Hargrave to verify what you will bring. Ms. Susan Hargrave has graciously agreed to coordinate the Banquet. Please contact her for details and any questions.
Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of scouting, said this to scouts everywhere:
"I often think, when the sun goes down, the world is hidden by a big blanket from the light of heaven, but the starts are little holes pierced in that blanket by those who have done good deeds in this world. The stars are not all the same size: some are big, some are little, and some men have done small deeds but they have made their hole in the blanket by doing good before they go to heaven. Try to make your hole in the blanket by good work while you are on earth. It is something to be good, but it is far better to do good."
Think of Baden-Powell's words when you promise "To help other people."
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