February, 2005
Vol. 10 Issue 2
The last campout that the troop had was a hiking campout at Table Rock. I myself was able to attend and to tell the truth, it was pretty fun. Although I did not get to go on the overnight hiking trip, I was still content on the 4.5 hour hike we did during the day. I wasn't there, but I heard the older boys on the overnight campout had a blast. Just because they ran out of water on the second day didn't mean that they didn't have fun. That night they were around the campfire telling tails of what had happened on the trail. I'm not sure about all of it because, like many boys, there seemed to be some larger than life in their stories. This campout was very fun and I can't wait until next year.
Remember that February 6 is SCOUT SUNDAY. The Troop will participating in a Rechartering service with St. James Episcopal Church. All Scouts are request to attend, if possible. Be in FULL class "A" uniforms. Please arrive at the New Family Life Center no later than 10:15, for the 10:30 AM service. The Troop will sit together and will be recognized during the rechartering of the Troop. Please make every effort to attend, this is one opportunity to show the church how much we appreciate their support.
T he February Campout is the Annual All-Faith Retreat which will be held at Camp HoNonWah. This is a Council-Wide even with several hundred Scouts and Scouters attending. While emphasizing the value of Faith in the Scout's life, the weekend is filled with games and fun, in addition to the teaching the importance of faith in each life. The Cost for the Campout is $11.00, which includes registration fees, food, and a special patch. P arents need to transport on Saturday Morning to arrive by 9 AM to Camp HoNonWah. Pick-up Sunday at 10 AM. Bring one of the following. Shaving Soap, disposable Razor, Soap, Wool Cap, tooth brush, tooth paste to be donated.
The Patrol Leaders Council will meet on Monday February 21 at 7:00 PM. All boy leaders are reminder to attend. This give you the opportunity to make certain the Troop is running properly. The Troop Committee will meet following the PLC, at 7:30 PM. All interested adults are encouraged to attend.
Hello present and future OA members. We have some great fellowships coming up this year. The first is the Spring Ordeal. It will be on March 12-14. The next event will be the Dixie Fellowship in Columbia hosted by Muscogee Lodge. The whole weekend is about competition. The final event will be the Spring Fellowship. in will be on May 14-16. On the first Thursday in February there will be a ceremonies meeting at the scout office for those who might be interested. Every other Sunday is a song and dance team meeting We need more scouts to participate in these sections or the lodge can't operate that well or at all. If you need any more additional information contact Michael Rice or go to www.site236.com
The March Campout will be a Mountain Biking Campout at the Harbison State Forest in Columbia. This Campout has become an almost annual trip for the Troop and always proves to be a fun filled and exciting weekend, as Scouts Rocket down the Hills of the State Forest. A great campsite and the world's nicest outhouse all add up for a memorable experience. Be sure to clean-up and tune up your bike and sign up early, 'cause you won't want to miss this campout!
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