December, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 12
Every one had a truly great time at the Mepkin Abbey Camperall, which was held November 12-14. Troop 44 was joined by the Webelos from Pack 44. The Troop placed 3rd in the gateway competition, which was a truly great accomplishment. There were Troops from all over the Council, totaling about 800 Scouts. Andy Woolsey designed the gateway with a Japanese theme. Three of the Webelo Scouts received Patrol Awards for their participation in the patrols. Everyone had fun time learning about things such as Taxidermy, TOAP (The outdoor adventure program) and conservation education. Activities being coordinated by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Foundation. Included were Shotgun and BB gun shooting, Fly casting, Archery / Bowhunting, Trapping/Tracking, Conservation Education and Sporting Dog Demonstrations.
The Falcon Patrol is the Program Patrol for the Month of December. The program for the month is "Fun and Games". The Program Patrol will conduct the Court of Honor. The Service Patrol for the month is the Tiger Patrol. The Service patrol will insure the church is clean after each meeting and will arrange the Christmas Party refreshments.
Nominations for SPL have been received and elections will be held on December 6th, 2004. The successful candidate should be a good example according to the Scout Oath, Motto, Participation. The candidates must hold the rank of Star, turn 15 during the coming year and have the approval of the Scoutmaster. Please come and participate in this important election.
The OA Fall Fellowship will be held on December 10-12. Please see the details in the recent OA Newsletter. Remember the Oyster Roast is Friday night ($10.00/ person and Guest can be invited) The Vigil Banquet and Auction will be Saturday night. Please see Michael Rice for additional details.
Troop 44 will be having its Fall Court of Honor on December 13th. All Scouts should be in Full Class "A" uniform for this event. All Parents are encouraged to attend. A brief Parent's information meeting will follow the COH and the Annual Christmas Party will wrap up the evening.
Troop 44 is in the planning stages for the Winter Campout. The final location has not been determined at this time but will likely be Camp Bob Hardin or a State park in the SC Mountains. Cost is $25 to scouts, $20 to Adults. At least 4 Adults will be needed. Planned activities include an overnight backpacking trip for older Scout. Two adults are needed to accompany the Scouts on the hike. Mr. Dinius is the Scoutmaster handling the sign-ups, please contact him for further details. The hike will be limited in number, with Mr. Rice to determine who will make the hike based on age, experience, ability and conduct.
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