November 2002
Vol. 7 Issue 11
.Troop 44 "Hit Paydirt" in October as they went to Thermal City, NC to try their hand at gold mining. Mrs. Kathy Woolsey served as counselor for the geology merit badge, giving instructions on geology and its study. Enjoying some cooler weather in the NC Mountains, the scouts had a great time singing around the campfire as Mr Dinius did some picking and grinning'. While no fortunes were made, many scouts came home with some gold.
The program Theme for November is "High Adventure". The Panther Patrol is the program patrol for the month. The Falcon Patrol is the service patrol of the month. The monthly service project will be trail clean-up as the Palmetto trail is
It can be found at Please take a few minutes to learn what is there, so you can go get the information when ever you need it. Also, be sure to check it often for the latest Troop news.
In an effort to provide better accounting of the Troop funds, the Troop will be stricter on collecting payment for campouts. Please make every effort to register your Scout for campouts in advance and to pay the campout fee prior to the campout. Estimated Campout fees have been given for every campout for the year. When you bring your Scout to a campout, please be sure to check in with the adult that is conducting registration. Do not just drop your scout and leave without checking in. If you did not register prior to the campout, not not show up at the church, expecting to go on the campout, as food is bought in advance for the campouts. Thank you for your consideration of these request.
The Patrol Leaders Council will meet on November 18th at 7pm. The Troop Committee will review the prior campout and make plans for the upcoming month's program. The Troop Committee meeting will follow the PLC at 8:00 PM. .
Summer camp registration is now being accepted. Camp dates are July 6-12,2003.The cost is $140. First deposit is $25, 2nd is $50 due Feb 24, and final $65 April 7. Full payments will be accepted any time prior to the April 7th . Space is limited to 29 Scouts to include Bridging-up Webloes. Summer camp fees are non-refundable,however, the slot maybe transferred to another Scout in the Troop. There is one free adult space available to any registered adult willing to help with Camp. Additional adults are $45. Anyone that would be interested in being the SUMMER CAMP CHAIRMAN please see Mr. Rice. .
Addendum: Mr. Bryan Whitley has gracioulsy taken the position of Summer Camp Chairman; questions and payments should be addressed to him. He can be reached at;( contact leaders); Summer camp is now full but a first come first serve reserve list is now being started.
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