September 2002
Vol. 7 Issue 10
Troop 44 covered approximately 22 miles by water during the recent trip to the Edisto River. With 25 Scouts and eight adults, Troop 44 took over the river as they passed. Camping in the RV area of the Givhans State Park provided electric lights and running water. Yes, you did see Aaron studying under the lights! That, with the luxury of a hot shower made this a great campout! The Edisto River provide lots of great canoeing and a great place to take a cool swim during the autumnal equinox. Everyone had a great time, including Mr. Jim "Can't find my keys" Struble, who did by the way, finally find his keys! A special thanks to the adult leaders that went along to make the trip safe and enjoyable..
The Flying Eagle Patrol did an excellent job of conducting the Court of Honor. Over 140 Merit Badges were awarded following summer camp and numerous rank advancement were awarded. A Parents meeting followed and the yearly program was presented to the Parents present. A reception followed the meeting and everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship
All Scouts should be actively selling popcorn at this time. Fifteen(15%) of the total sales will go into an account for the Scout, from which he can draw to pay for Scouting activities. The Scout also helps out the Troop, in that 15% also goes to the troop to help pay for troop equipment, supplies, and badges. Mrs.Wilma Rice is helping Mrs. Jones with the Popcorn sales, and will be coordinating some additional Show and Sell dates. Listen at Troop meetings or check the Troop Web site for additional dates.
It can be found at http://sctroop44.tripod.comhttp: Please take a few minutes to learn what is there, so you can go get the information when ever you need it. Also, be sure to check it often for the latest Troop news.
The Monthly Theme for October has been changed to Geology, to match up with the Camping Activity. Mrs. Woolsey will be serving as the Merit Badge Counselor. The Program Patrol is the FALCONs. The Flying Eagle Patrol is the service patrol. Requirements for the Geology Merit Badge can be found at
The October Campout will be in Thermal City, NC, where Troop 44 will mine for gold and gemstones. To learn more about the Gold mine, visit Due to the long travel time to N.C., this campout is a three day campout , with a Saturday departure and a Monday return. All Scouts are asked to bring their gear to St. James Church on Friday at 6:30 PM. The Troop Trailer will be loaded with Troop and personal gear at that time. The Troop will then meet on Saturday morning at 7:00 AM, with a planned 7:30 departure time. Scouts should eat breakfast before coming to the church. Scouts should also have $5 for Lunch on the road on both Saturday and Monday. Expected return time to the Church is 4:00 PM on Monday. Scouts are also reminded to check the weather forecast so they will be prepared for the weather. Thermal City is in the mountains and night time temperatures could be quite cool. Scouts may also want to consider bringing a pair of rubber gloves to help keep their hands warm during the panning process. The cost for this Campout is $40.00: $20 for camping and mining privileges, $10 for food and $10 to cover travel expenses. Remember, extra buckets of dirt are $5 and $10..
The Patrol Leaders Council will meet on October 21. The Troop Committee will review the prior campout and make plans for the upcoming month's program. The Troop Committee meeting will follow the PLC at 8:00 PM. .
In an effort to provide better accounting of the Troop funds, the Troop will be stricter on collecting payment for campouts. Please make every effort to register your Scout for campouts in advance and to pay the campout fee prior to the campout. Estimated Campout fees have been given for every campout for the year. When you bring your Scout to a campout, please be sure to check in with the adult that is conducting registration. Do not just drop your scout and leave without checking in. If you did not register prior to the campout, not not show up at the church, expecting to go on the campout, as food is bought in advance for the campouts. Thank you for your consideration of these request.
Summer camp registration is now being accepted. Camp dates are July 6-12,2003.The cost is $140. First deposit is $25, 2nd is $50 due Feb 24, and final $65 April 7. Full payments will be accepted any time prior to the April 7th . Space is limited to 29 Scouts to include Bridging-up Webloes. Summer camp fees are non-refundable,however, the slot maybe transferred to another Scout in the Troop. There is one free adult space available to any registered adult willing to help with Camp. Additional adults are $45. Anyone that would be interested in being the SUMMER CAMP CHAIRMAN please see Mr. Rice. .
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