December, 2002
Vol. 7 Issue 12
The toughest and best of Troop 44 learned why certain sections of the Palmetto Trail are called the Swamp Fox Trail. Using their uncanny ability to pick the wettest weekend for the past five years, Troop 44 set out to back pack the trail. Setting up base camp on Friday night, the Scouts were dry for a brief moment. However, Saturday morning began cold and damp with a soaking rain settling over the hikers by the time lunch break arrived. In spite of the weather, some Scouts complete over 20 miles, while other did 10 miles and 5 miles for various rank advancements. Truly, a campout that created character! .
The program Theme for December is "Tracking". The Osprey Patrol is the program patrol for the month. The Tiger Patrol is the service patrol of the month. The monthly service project will be at the church following the lock-in.
DECEMBER 6-7: LOCK-IN and ICESKATING The December activity is Ice Skating at the ICE PALACE in North Charleston, followed by a Lock-in. Due to a conflict at St. James Episcopal church, the lock-in is tentatively scheduled at Bethany United Methodist Church (1853 Maybank Highway). Scouts should arrive at the Church at 6:00 PM. We will skate from 9:30-11:30 PM, then return to the church. Following a service project on Saturday Morning, the Scout will be ready for pickup by 12:00 noon. Cost for the activity will be $16.00 ($8.00 for food, $6.00 to skate and $2.00 skate rental). Scouts may want additional spending money above the activity amount. Adults are needed to help transports Scouts and to help with the lock-in. A sign-up sheet will be available at the Troop meeting.
It can be found at Please take a few minutes to learn what is there, so you can go get the information when ever you need it. Also, be sure to check it often for the latest Troop news.
The Patrol Leaders Council will meet on November 18. The Troop Committee will review the prior campout and make plans for the upcoming month's program. The Troop Committee meeting will follow the PLC at 8:00 PM.
In an effort to provide better accounting of the Troop funds, the Troop will be stricter on collecting payment for campouts. Please make every effort to register your Scout for campouts in advance and to pay the campout fee prior to the campout. Estimated Campout fees have been given for every campout for the year. When you bring your Scout to a campout, please be sure to check in with the adult that is conducting registration. Do not just drop your scout and leave without checking in. If you did not register prior to the campout, not not show up at the church, expecting to go on the campout, as food is bought in advance for the campouts. Thank you for your consideration of these request.
The Osprey Patrol will host the December Court of Honor. A reception will follow the Court of Honor. Patrols are reminded to sign-up to bring food, drinks and paper good for the reception. .
Do you have a great idea for a new Troop T-shirt Design? If so, make a sketch of you idea and turn it into Mr. Rice by the December 16 meeting. Once all of the designs are received, the Troop will vote on the designs, with the winning designer received a free T-shirt and a Free campout (up to $30 value).
Troop elections will be held on Jan 13th. Elected leaders will take office on Feb 1. If you are interested in the position of Senior Patrol Leader or other Troop leadership positions, you need to let either the Senior Patrol leader or the Scoutmaster know. Qualifications for SPL include Star Rank or higher, proven leadership skill and a record of troop activity. Troop 44 will be going snow skiing in West Virginia in January. There are a limited number of available spaces, so sign up early. Please see or call Mr. Hepner (762-9295) The total cost for the activity will be $175 plus spending money. The fee includes transportation, lodging, food, lift tickets and equipment. The Troop will leave on Saturday morning, Jan. 18. They will ski Saturday afternoon, and all day Sunday, returning to Charleston on Monday.
Troop 44 will be going snow skiing in West Virginia in January. There are a limited number of available spaces, so sign up early. Please see or call Mr. Hepner (762-9295) The total cost for the activity will be $175 plus spending money. The fee includes transportation, lodging, food, lift tickets and equipment. The Troop will leave on Saturday morning, Jan. 18. They will ski Saturday afternoon, and all day Sunday, returning to Charleston on Monday.
Summer camp registration is now being accepted. Camp dates are July 6-12,2003.The cost is $140. First deposit is $25, 2nd is $50 due Feb 24, and final $65 April 7. Full payments will be accepted any time prior to the April 7th . Space is limited to 29 Scouts to include Bridging-up Webloes. Summer camp fees are non-refundable,however, the slot maybe transferred to another Scout in the Troop. There is one free adult space available to any registered adult willing to help with Camp. Additional adults are $45..
TROOP REGISTRATION TO BEGIN IN JANUARY Troop 44 has to re-register all Scouts and Scouters in February, 2003. It is not too early to begin to pay the annual registration fee of $40.00 per Scout. This amount pays for the National Scout registration fee, activity insurance, Boy's Life magazine and a base amount for Troop operations. This is also the time to check and update Troop records on each Scout. Additional information will be available at the Court of Honor.
Addendum: Mr. Bryan Whitley has gracioulsy taken the position of Summer Camp Chairman; questions and payments should be addressed to him. He can be reached at;( contact leaders). Summer camp is now full but a first come first serve reserve list is now being started.
Troop 44 has to re-register all Scouts and Scouters in February, 2003. It is not too early to begin to pay the annual registration fee of $40.00 per Scout. This amount pays for the National Scout registration fee, activity insurance, Boy's Life magazine and a base amount for Troop operations. This is also the time to check and update Troop records on each Scout. Additional information will be available at the Court of Honor.
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