July, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 7
Lake Moultrie in June provide a wonderful combination of Heat, Wind, Cool Water and Water Sports for the Scouts of Troop 44. Scouts learned the basics of canoe handling in preparation for the August Canoe Trip. Several Scouts and Adults also got an opportunity to sharpen their sailing skills in the Camp Moultrie Sailboats. Three power boats also provide some hard earned lessons on tubing and knee boarding skills. Yes, bathing suits can find themselves in a rather unconventional position when one dismounts from a tube at high speed. Everyone enjoyed swimming from the boats out in the lake. Those that dove deep into the lake learned first hand about the thermocline that they had learned about in ecology class. All in all, a wonderful campout with many memories.
All Scouts going to Summer Camp are to report to St. Jame Episcopal Church to Load personal gear in the Troop trailer at 5-6 PM on Sat. July 10th. Departure for Camp Sidney Dew will be on Sunday July 11th at 6 AM from St. James. Please be prompt! Traveling uniform is the new troop t-shirt with scout uniform pants and socks. Pictures on arrival. Full Boy Scout uniform will be required at camp ceremonies. No open toe shoes or loud inappropriate clothing are permitted at camp. Each scout should bring an envelope with his name and return travel money to be deposited with Mr. Rice or his ASM Leader. Scouts will return to St. James by 5-6 PM, Saturday, July 17.
The annual Council Program review will be held at the Yorktown on July 29, starting at 6:30 PM. All Scouts in full uniform will be given free admission to the Yorktown while the adults attend the program review session. Come and learn what is in store for the Council and District activities for the year.
To the Parents of Troop 44 , the Troop has the opportunity to raise a substantial amount of income by operating the River Dogs concession booth in July. The dates are as follows: Thursday July 22nd 7 pm, arrive by 4:30; and July 25th 5pm arrive by 2:30. We need 8-10 people with at least 5 each night over 21 years old and we should be finished 2 hours after the game starts. Please help your troop. Any committee member or parent interested please contact the John McKnight or Allan Rice.
The Troop 44 planning session this year is planned for Saturday , August 7th. The planning session will consist of a one day session planning the next years camping events, programs, and service activities. Now is the time to start to bring ideas to your Senior troop leadership and Patrol leaders. Each Patrol will given the opportunity to present 2 Camping ideas, the adults 1 and we will participate in at least 1 Council Camporee. We need to remember to try to come up new and innovative ideas more close to home. Please email Mr. Rice to confirm your attendance
The August Campout will be an overnight canoe trip, camping on the rivers edge on the McAlhaney Nature Reserve. Cost for the campout will be approximately $20. Canoer's must be BSA swimmer qualified- including adults. The August 2nd meeting will be the first oppotunity to sign up for the campout. Adult support is needed for transportation. Please contact Ray Maher if you can help.
Troop 44 will be holding it's final OA election for the year 2004 during the month of August so that if anyone is elected they may be able to make the Fall Ordeal date in September. Qualifications include First Class and at least 20 nights of camping with some qualifications. Check with Michael Rice the OA representative for further details.
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