June, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 6
Troop 44 participated in the Honoring of our Armed Forces on Saturday, May 15, 2004. Our Scouts acted as The Honor Guard for the presentation and posting of colors at the Town of James Island City Hall. Many kudos' go out to all who participated in either ceremony. It was an excellent performance displaying skills in the handling of the colors in a highly visible ceremony. Everyone should be proud of their performance.
May usually brings forth new flowers, but in the case of Troop 44 new budding scouts, sprouted up. We take great pleasure in welcoming Ryan, Joshua, and Andrew to the Cougar Patrol. These boys will be getting off to quick start by joining us at Camp Sidney Dew in the Georgia mountains in July.
The program Theme for June is Canoeing. The Osprey Patrol is the program patrol for the month. The TIGER Patrol is the service patrol of the month. ASM Ray Maher will be helping plan the August Canoe Camp out.
Adult Fund Raising Opportunity
To the Parents of Troop 44, the Troop has the opportunity to raise a substantial amount of income by operating the River Dogs concession booth on 3 occasions in June and July. The dates are as follows:
We need 8-10 people with at least 5 each night over 21 years old and we should be finished 2 hours after the game starts. Sign-ups will start Monday, May 3rd. Please help your troop. Any committee member or parent interested in heading up this endeavor please contact the Committee Chairman or myself. Grateful appreciation is extended to Mrs. Jones for investigating and getting this opportunity to avail its self to us.
Board Of Reviews
Please remember that Board of Reviews will be held during the Troop meeting on June 14th. Please let Mr. McKnight know if you need to schedule a BOR.
JUNE 18-20
Boating Campout: Camp Moultrie
The June Campout will be held at Camp Moultrie. This will be a chance to hone your boating and water sport skills. Several adults will be bringing power boats for skiing activities. All Scouts are required to bring their own personal floatation device (PFD). This can be a life jacket or ski vest. BE CERTAIN YOUR NAME IS ON THE PFD! The Troop will leave the Church at 6:00pm and will eat supper on the way to the Campout, be certain you vae enough cash in your pocket for supper. The Cost of the Campout will be $25 per scout. This includes $13.00 for patrol food, $2.00 camping fee and $10.00 to help cover the operating cost of the ski boats. The Troop will return to the Church by 3:00pm Sunday afternoon.
PLC And Troop Committee Meeting
All Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, along with the Troop Junior Leaders will hold a Patrol Leaders Council on the Monday following the campout. The Troop committee will convene at 7:30pm, the same evening. All Committee members are reminded to attend.
Court Of Honor
Troop 44 will hold a Court of Honor during the final meeting of June. All Parents, Scouts and Freinds of Troop 44 are invited to see the Scouts receive their awards and advancements. There will also be a special Summer Camp meeting for all Scouts and Parents of Scouts that are attending Summer Camp.
The Troop 44 planning session this year is tentatively planned for Saturday, August 7th. The planning session will consist of a one day session planning the next years camping events, programs, and service activities. Now is the time to start to bring ideas to your Senior troop leadership and Patrol leaders. Each Patrol will given the opportunity to present 2 Camping ideas, the adults 1 and we will participate in at least 1 Council Camporee. We need to remember to try to come up new and innovative ideas more close to home.
Troop 44 will be holding it's final OA election for the year 2004 during the month of August so that if anyone is elected they may be able to make the Fall Ordeal date in September. Qualifications include First Class and at least 20 nights of camping with some qualifications. Check with Michael Rice, the OA representative, for further details.
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