February, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 2
Sixteen Scouts and eight adults set their sights for the white stuff at Sugar Mountain . The Troop arrived at Camp Ginger Cascades ( Girl Scout Camp), to find it was not raining, it was not dark, and they did not have to set up patrol dining flys. The arrival was punctuated by thrilled giggles from the Girl Scout Troop in the cabin next door. The Troop spent Sunday having a fun filled, however rainy, day of skiing by all the boys and 4 of the adults. Great joy was had by the boys at the camp, the adults cooked, there were bathrooms, heat, beds or pads for sleeping, a fireplace, couches, and a washer and drier. How short does the first lit candle on Mr. Struble's birthday cake get before all candles are lit. We don't know because they quit lighting the candles!
The program Theme for January is Bicycling. The COUGAR Patrol is the program patrol for the month. The PANTHER Patrol is the service patrol of the month. This is in preparation for the Bicycling Campout planned for March at Poinsett State Park and Manchester State Forest .
Troop 44 must complete the annual re-registration of all Scouts and Registered Adults. The annual registration fee of $40.00 per Scout and $10.00 per adult and is due to the Troop Treasurer no later than FebRuary 2. Checks payable to Troop 44, BSA . This amount pays for the National BSA registration fee, activity insurance, Boy's Life magazine (siblings can share the same Boys Life and reduce additional fees by $9.00 ) and Troop operations. Also, the 2004 Activity permission sheet should be completed and returned with the registration fee. Without the fee and updated information sheet, your son will not be able to participate in any Scouting activities.
The annual recharter ceremony for Troop 44 will be held at St. James Episcopal Church on Sunday during the 11:15 AM service. All Scouts of Troop 44 are invited to attend. Scouts should be in Class "A" uniform and should arrive at the church by 11:00 AM. The Troop will sit as a group and will be recognized during the service. Please plan on attending and showing St. James how much we appreciate their support. If you cannot attend, please remember that it is Scout Sunday and wear your uniform to your church.
All Scouts and Scouters of Troop 44 are invited to Marcus Remington's Eagle Ceremony at 2 PM on Sunday Feb. 8 at The Church of the Nativity. Please RSVP to Mrs. Remington (559- 9950) if you plan on attending.
Board of Reviews
Please remember that Board of Reviews will be held during the Troop meeting on February 9 th . Please let Mr. McKnight know if you need to schedule a BOR.
FEBRUARY 14th-16th
Camp Bob Hardin
The February 14-16 Campout will be a COLD Weather campout at Camp Bob Hardin in Saluda N.C. The Troop will load the Troop trailer at 6 PM on Friday Feb. 13. for a 8:00 AM Saturday Morning Departure. Fee ($25) is due by Feb 9 th, . A 2004 permission slip will be required for all Scouts before the trip.
9:00am - 12:00 noon
Troop and Patrol Quarter masters should report to the Scout Room on Saturday at 9:00 AM to help conduct a clean-up of the Scout Room. Each Patrol cook box will be inventoried, so missing items can be replaced. Old Troop gear will be removed and assessed for future need and additional shelves will be build, if everyone comes and helps.
All Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, along with the Troop Junior Leaders will hold a Patrol Leaders Council on the Monday following the campout. The Troop committee will convene at 7: 30 PM , the same evening. All Committee members are reminded to attend.
SUMMER CAMP: July 11-17, 2004
Troop 44 will be attending Camp Henry Dew in the Georgia Mountains in 2004. The Cost will be $170, which includes travel cost. Please let Mr. Struble know if you plan to go to Summer Camp in 2004. The deposit of $50 due January 5,2004, 2nd payment $60-February 2,2004, and final payment of $60 March 8,2004 Total Cost is $170 all fee's are non-refundable but transferable by the scout/parents - moneys paid are not held by the troop and the camp committment must be paid for once we have reserved your spot in January. Please contact Mr. Struble with any questions as he has graciously taken on the task of the follow-up fee collections, health form updates, and transportation organization.
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