January, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 1
A whole heap of Scouts and Scouters rode into the Concrete Corral (a.k.a. Palmetto Concrete) and proceeded to shoot it out with rifles and shotguns. Over a thousand rounds of .22 caliber ammo and several hundred shotgun shells were spent during the weekend. Throw in a night of late night bowling and freezing temperatures to insure great sleeping and everyone agreed that it just doesn't get much better than this!
The program Theme for January is Winter Camping. The FALCON Patrol is the program patrol for the month. The TIGER Patrol is the service patrol of the month. This is in preparation for the Cold Weather camping planned for January and February.
During January, Troop 44 must complete the annual re-registration of all Scouts
and Registered Adults. The annual registration fee of $40.00 per Scout and
$10.00 per adult and is due to the Troop Treasurer no later than January 26.
Checks payable to Troop 44, BSA. This amount pays for the
National BSA registration fee, activity insurance, Boy's Life magazine (siblings
can share the same Boys Life and reduce additional fees by $9.00) and Troop
operations. Also, the 2004 Activity permission sheet should
be completed and returned with the registration fee. Without the fee
and updated information sheet, your son will not be able to participate in
any Scouting activities.
JANUARY 12th Board of Reviews
Please remember that Board of Reviews will be held during the Troop meeting
on January 12th. Please let Mr. McKnight know if you need to schedule a BOR.
The cost will be $90.00, includes lodging, food, vehicle gas, lift ticket,
and skis. Additional costs, $13.00 for ski lesson (required if you have never
skied, recommended if you are a novice). If you do not have cold weather/ski
clothes they can be rented. Whole outfit (Bibs, jacket, gloves, goggles) are
$ 17.00. Individual costs are Bibs - $ 7.00, Jacket - $7.00, Gloves $5.00,
and Goggles $5.00. Which ski slope is still up in the air. We have 18 committed
skiers. I need to have a final tonight at the meeting and at least $45.00.
I need to make some reservations ASAP or we don't go. Cost for those who will
not be skiing is $33.00. A 2004 permission slip will be required for all Scouts
before the trip.
All Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, along with the Troop Junior
Leaders will hold a Patrol Leaders Council on the Monday following the campout.
The Troop committee will convene at 7: 30 PM, the same evening. All Committee
members are reminded to attend.Last Call For Troop T-Shirts
If you have placed an order for A Troop T-Shirt, please pay Mr. Fairey no
later than January 12. If you have not placed an order, you can do so until
January 12th. Please let him know your size and how many shirts you want.
Troop 44 will be attending Camp Henry Due in the Georgia Mountains in 2004. The Cost will be $150, which includes travel cost. While the exact date has not been established, the Troop needs a tentative number of Scouts that expect to go. Please let Mr. Struble know if you plan to go to Summer Camp in 2004. More details will follow.
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