Boy Scout Troop 44

Chaplain Aide


Job Description

The Chaplain Aide works to meet the religious needs of the Scouts in the Troop. He also works to promote the religious emblems program.

Chaplain Aide Duties


When you accepted the position of Chaplain Aide, you agreed to provide service and leadership in our Troop. That responsibility should be fun and rewarding. This job description provides some of the things you are expected to do while serving as a junior leader in Troop 44. You should make any necessary notes on this sheet as this Fast-Start Junior Leader Training session is conducted. As a Troop 44 Junior Leader you will be challenged to your fullest capabilities. The adult leadership has faith in your leadership abilities, but will constantly be striving to improve those abilities. Your selection and acceptance of this Troop position represents the acceptance of a contract. At the end of this Fast-Start Junior Leader Training you will be asked to sign a contract indicating that you understand your responsibilities and will constantly strive to live up to your Job Description. Good Luck and Congratulations.

Troop Procedure


As a Troop Scribe their many resources available to you to help you do your job. These include people such as your Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, and Troop Committee Members. Troop 44 offers a wealth of Scouting knowledge ranging from experience to literature to Internet resources. Please, take advantage of these abundant resources in order to better carry out your Troop position.


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