April, 2004
Vol. 9 Issue 4
Troop 44 took the trails of Harbison State Park on what turned out to be a magnificient weather weekend. Many scouts and adult leaders logged as many 20 miles on the hilly, narrow slopes of the foothills of the park. Some would say it was not much of a challenge but judging from the restful sleep and cool rain experienced on Saturday night another fun successful outing was had by all. A special thanks goes out to all the scouts, leaders, and parents who made this camping experience so successful.
Congratulations to Aaron Hepner upon receiving his Eagle Award during a Special Ceremony at Nativity Church on March 7 th. A special thanks to all of the Scouts and Scouters that participated and made this a very special and meaningful ceremony. Also, congratulations to all of the Scouts and Adults who received Rank advancement, Merit badges and Special patches at the Court of Honor.
The program Theme for April is Wilderness Survival. The TIGER Patrol is the program patrol for the month. The FALCON Patrol is the service patrol of the month.
March Merit Badge Presentations
The Personal Finance merit badge will be continued by Mrs. Plitnik. The Bicycling Merit badge will also be continued by Mr. Kordonis. Remember to get your Blue Merit badge card for these important Classes to track your progress. It is important for each scout to keep accurate records and get the completed requirements signed by his counselor.
April 5th
No Meeting: Spring Break
Troop 44 will not have a meeting on April 5th, due to Spring Break. Everyone enjoy their week off from school. Please come to the Meeting on the 12th prepared to sign up and pay for and plan the Spring Camporee.
April 16-18
District Camporee: Burial Of The Hunley Crew
KIAWAH DISTRICT will hold the Spring Camporee at Brittle Bank Park. The Camporee theme will focus on the burial of the Hunley Crew, which will take place on Saturday, April 17th. The Troop will depart for the Camporee at 6:00 PM on Friday. Cost will be $18.00, with $13.00 going to food and $5.00 for the Camporee registration and patch. The Troop will return to James Island around 11:00 AM on Sunday.
April 19
Plc And Troop Committee Meeting
All Patrol Leaders, Assistant Patrol Leaders, along with the Troop Junior Leaders will hold a Patrol Leaders Council on the Monday following the campout. The Troop committee will convene at 7: 30 PM, the same evening. All Committee members are reminded to attend .
April 26th
Board Of Reviews
Please remember that Board of Reviews will be held during the Troop meeting on April 26th. Please let Mr. McKnight know if you need to schedule a BOR.
July 11-17, 2004
Troop 44 will be attending Camp Henry Dew in the Georgia Mountains in 2004. The Cost will be $170, which includes travel cost. Please let Mr. Struble know if you plan to go to Summer Camp in 2004. The deposit of $50 due January 5, 2004, 2nd payment $60-February 2, 2004, and final payment of $60 March 8, 2004. Total Cost is $170. All fee's are non-refundable but transferable by the scout/parents- moneys paid are not held by the troop and the camp committment must be paid for once we have reserved your spot in January. Please contact Mr. Struble with any questions as he has graciously taken on the task of the follow-up fee collections, health form updates, and transportation organization jestruble.
The National Conservation Good Turn was conducted. The 44th annual meeting was held in Washington, D.C. The National Council's office was moved to a new building near New Brunswick, N.J., in October. Boys' Life circulation passed the 1 million mark. The Webelos den was created to provide a means of maintaining the interest of Cub Scouts 10 years of age in Scouting and to provide a bridge for crossing over to Boy Scouting. Membership, December 31, was 3,774,015. Total members to date, 23,037,343.
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